Thursday, May 24, 2007

Laughing Buddha Nursery of Metarie, Louisiana is DEA FRONT

by Marc Emery (24 Apr, 2007)

The Laughing Buddha Nursey in the New Orleans suburb of Metarie, Louisiana assists the DEA in entrapping its customers.

The Laughing Buddha Nursery owner Grant Estrada wasn't laughing when I called him up and said " Grant Estrada, I'm doing an article on how you are co-operating with DEA and informing on your clients and assisting in the prosecution of your clients. Are you co-operating with DEA, setting up your clients and accepting blood money to do this? "

Grant Estrada replied, " I can't talk about that now " and very nervously hung up the phone.

Grant Estrada is most definitely a narc of the worst sort and has set up one, and probably is in the process of setting up many more, growers of the herb.

Google The Laughing Buddha Nursery in Metarie, Louisiana, and you don't get any clue Estrada and his DEA-front store are in the day to day business of narking out customers to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

read full story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FEDS takin pictures!!!!!