Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quite Frankly-Cancelled-Stephen A. Smith DEMOTED?

Stephen A Smith, a quick witted and very interesting sportscaster and columnist has had his show cancelled and been demoted( for a better term) from his post at the Philidelphia Inquirer. Black Enterprise Magazine interviewed Mr Smith to see what he had to say about the situation as a whole and a few of the specifics that were involved. (thanks Black Enterprise.com)

BLACK ENTERPRISE: So what really happened between you and The Philadelphia Inquirer?

Stephen A. Smith: [The Philadelphia Inquirer] management made the decision to demote me because they felt they were no longer priority. I refute that. Because it's a legal matter, I have not responded. Trust me when I tell you, the only reason I have not responded is because my attorneys have advised me not to. When the time is right, I will not hesitate in what I reveal. I will defend my reputation.

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